Bank Failure in 1390s

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Bank Failure in 1390s

Using community based resources, special collections and archives, research and identify the different threads in a larger discussion that centers on a single aspect of life or culture in one local community in the 1930’s.The community could be a local neighborhood, the city of Seattle, Washington State, or the Pacific Northwest.

You will need to find and familiarize yourself with many different kinds of texts related to your topic and from those conversations you will need to choose which ones you want to present to us and explain why. In your final paper:

Analyze how these different conversations in this one topic relate to each.
Compare the conversations you find to the primary evidence you from that time period.
As you conclude, go beyond summarizing your main points to create a synthesis of your ideas. In other words, explain how your points interact with each other.
Do not write about a broad subject. Narrow your working topic to one important subject within a larger topic. Explain any unique words or phrases and any complex details. Analyze your research by critically evaluating the evidence for your readers.

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