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The assignment below has been written by another student. Please reply by providing 300 words, apa format, and at least 2 citations. Also, please don’t forget to attack the student’s post. Explain why (in full detail) you disagree with the some of the things stated on the student’s post. (Naheem)

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* When it comes to communication, communication is very important especially in the bureaucratic form and the reason is that communication causes less confusion and with the constant communication flow errors and mistakes can be less.

There are two type of communication verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication, naturally, involves the use of the spoken word and it is the most common form of communication used by lower-level officers (Law, n.d) Nonverbal includes not only the written word, but also gestures and other forms of body language (Law, n.d.).

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In the traditional organization communication starts at the top and make it ways to the bottom, communication in any type of organization is very important because if something good or bad happens then if employees and followers don’t get the message then everybody is confuse and frustrated.

The 21st century is best known for as the age of information and technology compare to other centuries the spread of technology and information has expanded because the advances of technology people can receive text messages and emails faster than phone calls but how does this change the criminal justice system communications, when it comes to communication and computers, computers have recently evolved into communication tools (Rogers & Rafaeli, 1985). Computer technology grew out of such important inventions as the transistor, the integrated circuit (Rogers & Rafaeli, 1985).

The transformation of computers into a tool of computers into a tool of communication consisted of a line of technological developments through which computers become much smaller size and in cost, and hence widely accessible; and an accompanying realization of the potential of computers for communication networking (Rogers & Rafaeli, 1985).

When it comes to computerized communication, with the advances of technology especially in the computer world, the computer itself is safe but the software and the little pieces of microchips and hardware is not safe and the reason why not all criminal justice communication shouldn’t go to computers because with the millions of dollars of security and anti -virus and anti spam ware all it takes is one hacker to hack into the software and the most secure and classify documents can be in the hands of enemies.

I am not against computerized communication but with recent whistle blowers and attacks on the top secret government servers is the technology world will ever be safe because America can build a program that will cease and destroy and hackers but for every program that is written there is always a problem for a malfunction. Computers are not perfect and computers will break down especially in the worst time and if all of the criminal justice information and servers and communication would be gone and all that important information would be gone.

Communication is something that all organizations should value because information is power and without information and without informing people through the right communication channels. With the advances of technology some people still cant communicate because the unwillingness to change.


Law, C., J. (n.d.) Effective Criminal Justice Communication Criminal Justice Law Exploring Issues, Developing Solutions retrieved 26 Jan 2014

Rogers, E.M., & Rafaeli, S. (1985) Computers and Communication Information and Behavior (1) 95-112 retrieved 26 Jan 2014

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