Managing Individual Change

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Marking CriteriaTutors will mark the essay based on the following assessment criteria:

·         Knowledge and understanding of relevant theories (T)

·         Analysis linking theory and practice (A)

·         Critical evaluation and coherent argument (C)


Meeting these assessment criteria will require the following:

T (Theory) Relevant theories and models are selected

·         Read extensively and use a wide range of theories

·         Demonstrate understanding without describing in detail


Theories to use and relate to situations:
16 personalities types

The necessity of know about interpersonal relations and how it may help me to know myself in order to deal with stress, conflict.
Talk a about personal resilience: The model of renewal and leadership power stress. Relate this to experiences of someone studying/living  in a different country.

How do a deal with responsibility, self control, crises and daily threats, relating it to my type of personality description – theory

Resilience and its link to emotional intelligence – how social compassionate relationship aspects affect my ability to change.

A (Analysis and Application) Detailed aspects of theories and models with evidence of why and how these apply to the examples from your experience. Based on this, develop the discussion of the implications for your future. For example you might focus on:

What are your strengths and weaknesses relevant to managing change that you have developed up to this point in your life?
RELATE IT TO 16 PERSONALITY TYPES THEORY, My personality type is ISFJ- How my type of personality would help me to deal with changes.

During the last 3 years, I have experienced changes constantly in my life. My necessities and desires changed, not only because I grew up, but because main daily situations made necessary for me to change some of my habits and adapt to the new environment. One situation in which I experienced a drastic change was in the year 2014, when I moved to UK to study.  I came from a developing country, I was underage, to live in a country where he did not know the culture, language and habits of the local people. It was a shock at first because he had communication difficulties. Due to being a sociable person, I had no difficulty in making friends, which greatly facilitated the process of adaptation in this new country. I started to live with people from different cultures and I came to know habits and customs very different from mine. I adapted really quickly, because of my personality. I am open minded, like do organize plans. Just exactly A PROTECTOR IS.
·         How can you develop these strengths and address the weaknesses?


·         What are the implications for your personal and professional development in your future career


C (Criticality) Demonstrate critical thinking. This means making clear arguments that emphasise the relevance and importance of particular insights. For example:

·         Develop a line, or lines, of reasoning or argument

·         Make points that are evidenced with details from examples from your experience and discuss relevant aspects of your chosen theories/ approaches

·         Question the applicability and usefulness of the theories and literature: did it help you to analyse ‘yourself’ and your situation?

·         Compare and contrast the relevance of your chosen theories/ models. Are they useful in answering the question about your learning?

·         Comment on the limits and relevance of different theories and models to help you answer the question


Guidance1.       Maintain a focus on answering the question throughout.  Keep checking your work to make sure you are discussing:

·         Your learning about your personal competence for change management

·         The implications of this for your future career

2.       Think of yourself as the CASE STUDY to be analysed – read the assignment question above, the marking scheme, and this brief to decide how to do this.

3.       In each of the first five study units are covered relevant materials, theories, and exercises to help you complete this assignment.  We recommend you review these and keep a record using the Learning Portfolio pro forma to capture relevant information. [Note: you do NOT hand in the pro forma – the assignment is to write a summary essay].

4.       Illustrate your analysis with examples of your competence and personal experiences of change management.  Remember to earn good marks you MUST use relevant theories/ approaches to support your self-evaluation and insights.

5.       Description should be kept to a minimum: see the marking scheme.

6.       The marking scheme describes the assessment marking criteria in detail.  This can guide you on the standard of work expected and how you construct your answer

7.       Use the full word count to maximise your marks

8.       Read the Coursework 1 FAQ (frequently asked questions) AND make sure that you attend study unit 6 – the Q&A lecture for this coursework.


FormatAll work should be word processed in 12 point font Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial and double spaced.
Word Limit

  • 1500 words (+/- 10% which is a minimum of 1350 words and a maximum of 1650 words). Writing beyond this maximum limit will not be read or marked
  • Word count includes everything in the main body of the essay (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, acronyms and numbers expressed as digits or in words. etc.)
  • The reference/ bibliography pages and any Appendix at the end are excluded from the word count.
  • Appendices are not expected, if you do decide to use appendices remember these will NOT be marked. The marker may or may not refer to the Appendices: do not depend upon material contained in Appendices to develop the discussion in the main body of your essay.



Marking CriteriaTutors will mark the essay based on the following assessment criteria:

·         Knowledge and understanding of relevant theories (T)

·         Analysis linking theory and practice (A)

·         Critical evaluation and coherent argument (C)


Meeting these assessment criteria will require the following:

T (Theory) Relevant theories and models are selected

·         Read extensively and use a wide range of theories

·         Demonstrate understanding without describing in detail


Theories to use and relate to situations:
16 personalities types

The necessity of know about interpersonal relations and how it may help me to know myself in order to deal with stress, conflict.
Talk a about personal resilience: The model of renewal and leadership power stress. Relate this to experiences of someone studying/living  in a different country.

How do a deal with responsibility, self control, crises and daily threats, relating it to my type of personality description – theory

Resilience and its link to emotional intelligence – how social compassionate relationship aspects affect my ability to change.

A (Analysis and Application) Detailed aspects of theories and models with evidence of why and how these apply to the examples from your experience. Based on this, develop the discussion of the implications for your future. For example you might focus on:

What are your strengths and weaknesses relevant to managing change that you have developed up to this point in your life?
RELATE IT TO 16 PERSONALITY TYPES THEORY, My personality type is ISFJ- How my type of personality would help me to deal with changes.

During the last 3 years, I have experienced changes constantly in my life. My necessities and desires changed, not only because I grew up, but because main daily situations made necessary for me to change some of my habits and adapt to the new environment. One situation in which I experienced a drastic change was in the year 2014, when I moved to UK to study.  I came from a developing country, I was underage, to live in a country where he did not know the culture, language and habits of the local people. It was a shock at first because he had communication difficulties. Due to being a sociable person, I had no difficulty in making friends, which greatly facilitated the process of adaptation in this new country. I started to live with people from different cultures and I came to know habits and customs very different from mine. I adapted really quickly, because of my personality. I am open minded, like do organize plans. Just exactly A PROTECTOR IS.
·         How can you develop these strengths and address the weaknesses?


·         What are the implications for your personal and professional development in your future career


C (Criticality) Demonstrate critical thinking. This means making clear arguments that emphasise the relevance and importance of particular insights. For example:

·         Develop a line, or lines, of reasoning or argument

·         Make points that are evidenced with details from examples from your experience and discuss relevant aspects of your chosen theories/ approaches

·         Question the applicability and usefulness of the theories and literature: did it help you to analyse ‘yourself’ and your situation?

·         Compare and contrast the relevance of your chosen theories/ models. Are they useful in answering the question about your learning?

·         Comment on the limits and relevance of different theories and models to help you answer the question


Guidance1.       Maintain a focus on answering the question throughout.  Keep checking your work to make sure you are discussing:

·         Your learning about your personal competence for change management

·         The implications of this for your future career

2.       Think of yourself as the CASE STUDY to be analysed – read the assignment question above, the marking scheme, and this brief to decide how to do this.

3.       In each of the first five study units are covered relevant materials, theories, and exercises to help you complete this assignment.  We recommend you review these and keep a record using the Learning Portfolio pro forma to capture relevant information. [Note: you do NOT hand in the pro forma – the assignment is to write a summary essay].

4.       Illustrate your analysis with examples of your competence and personal experiences of change management.  Remember to earn good marks you MUST use relevant theories/ approaches to support your self-evaluation and insights.

5.       Description should be kept to a minimum: see the marking scheme.

6.       The marking scheme describes the assessment marking criteria in detail.  This can guide you on the standard of work expected and how you construct your answer

7.       Use the full word count to maximise your marks

8.       Read the Coursework 1 FAQ (frequently asked questions) AND make sure that you attend study unit 6 – the Q&A lecture for this coursework.


FormatAll work should be word processed in 12 point font Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial and double spaced.
Word Limit

  • 1500 words (+/- 10% which is a minimum of 1350 words and a maximum of 1650 words). Writing beyond this maximum limit will not be read or marked
  • Word count includes everything in the main body of the essay (including headings, tables, citations, quotes, lists, acronyms and numbers expressed as digits or in words. etc.)
  • The reference/ bibliography pages and any Appendix at the end are excluded from the word count.
  • Appendices are not expected, if you do decide to use appendices remember these will NOT be marked. The marker may or may not refer to the Appendices: do not depend upon material contained in Appendices to develop the discussion in the main body of your essay.


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