How our Custom Essay writing Service works

how our custom essay writing service works

Our Ordering system is secure and simple.We use a trusted mode of payment i.e paypal.Ordering your assignments,term papers,essays ,research papers will take you only a few seconds because the sytem inferface is very friendly.

All you need to do is fill the order details and remember to attach any reference material incase you have .After submitting the details,you need to make the payment through paypal so that your order can be assigned writers.

Once your assignment has been completed,our proof reading team will check the paper quality and once it passes the 97% quality test,the paper will be sent to you through the email you provided during the ordering process.


We never submit work that has not passed through our quality assessment team that why we retain 90% of our new customers.

After the paper is sent to you,we do allow unlimited revisions based on further instructions that you will fill in our system while requesting revisions.We dont charge anything for revisions.

Clients who are completely not satisfied with our work we always return the money unconditionally. We strongly believe that our clients never have to pay for work that they don’t approve. This clearly makes us one of the unique companies to work with in custom essay writing.

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Amanda, USA

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