Monthly Archives: August 2014

Develop your strategies for the 4 Ps of Marketing as per guidelines provided in the Overview for Module 5. Restrict the write-up of your strategies to 50-100 words each.

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Use 10/11 point type.  Include attachment from 1st page of your article selected for comment.  Include a cover page with your name, paper topic, and due date.

TOPIC THREE:  Use of Integrated Marketing Communication is a fundamental factor in most smart marketing plans today.  Find an article which discusses/demonstrates how such an approach was used in a branded consumer products/services marketing plan (your choice), and discuss it in detail and provide your POV with regard to its potential (actual) success or failure in the marketplace and why.

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Managing organizations and leading people

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For this task, you will write a 10-16 page paper on an organization with which you have had personal experience. The organization can be a business or a nonprofit, and you may represent any level of the organization (e.g., team, division, whole) in your analysis. Your description of the organization should convey personal experience, rather than information gained from secondhand sources or media coverage. For this task, you will first describe the chosen organization and will then perform a SWOT analysis on that organization. You will then analyze that organization’s leadership.


A. Describe your chosen organization by doing the following:
1. Describe the organization and its objective(s).
2. Describe three leadership practices of the primary leader of the organization.
3. Discuss how the current leadership has affected organizational culture.

B. Conduct a SWOT analysis evaluating the chosen organization by doing the following:

Note: In your evaluation, consider the effects that communication practices, technology, ethics, and globalization have on your organization.

1. Evaluate two of the organization’s strengths.
2. Evaluate two of the organization’s weaknesses.
3. Evaluate two of the organization’s opportunities.
4. Evaluate two of the organization’s threats.

C. Conduct a leadership evaluation of the primary leader described in part A2 by doing the following:

Note: As part of your evaluation, you will need to use one scholarly leadership theory and three scholarly sources.

1. Evaluate three strengths of the primary leader’s leadership practices using a scholarly leadership theory.
2. Evaluate three weaknesses of the primary leader’s leadership practices using the same scholarly leadership theory you used in part C1.
3. Recommend three theory-based practices to maximize the future success of the leader and the organization.
4. Include at least three scholarly sources to support your analysis of the primary leader’s practices.

D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

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Integrated Marketing Communication is a fundamental factor in most smart marketing plans today.

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Use 10/11 point type.  Include attachment from 1st page of your article selected for comment.  Include a cover page with your name, paper topic, and due date.

TOPIC THREE:  Use of Integrated Marketing Communication is a fundamental factor in most smart marketing plans today.  Find an article which discusses/demonstrates how such an approach was used in a branded consumer products/services marketing plan (your choice), and discuss it in detail and provide your POV with regard to its potential (actual) success or failure in the marketplace and why.

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The Purge (2013)

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Your essay should answer two sets of questions: 1) How does your movie work as part of American film history? Does it represent a continuation of themes and developments as we see them in the course, or does it attempt to work against those conventions – or both? This discussion should, among other things, address the aesthetics and the genre of the film. 2) How does the film speak to what Douglas Kellner calls the “tensions, conflicts, fantasies and fears” of the past decade? To what degree do external political, economic, social or cultural values shape what you see – and does the film uphold or challenge those values? Paper length is 5-7 pages, with the same specifications as the PCA paper. Sources from class are permitted and encouraged; the paper, however should not use any outside source. The grade will be based on the specificity and thoroughness of your argument, your use of class material, and the fluency of your writing.

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managing organizations and leading people

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Click here to order similar paper 100% Original.Written from scratch by professional writers.

For this task, you will write a 10-16 page paper on an organization with which you have had personal experience. The organization can be a business or a nonprofit, and you may represent any level of the organization (e.g., team, division, whole) in your analysis. Your description of the organization should convey personal experience, rather than information gained from secondhand sources or media coverage. For this task, you will first describe the chosen organization and will then perform a SWOT analysis on that organization. You will then analyze that organization’s leadership.
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A.  Describe your chosen organization by doing the following:
1.  Describe the organization and its objective(s).
2.  Describe three leadership practices of the primary leader of the organization.
3.  Discuss how the current leadership has affected organizational culture.

B.  Conduct a SWOT analysis evaluating the chosen organization by doing the following:

Note: In your evaluation, consider the effects that communication practices, technology, ethics, and globalization have on your organization.

1.  Evaluate two of the organization’s strengths.
2.  Evaluate two of the organization’s weaknesses.
3.  Evaluate two of the organization’s opportunities.
4.  Evaluate two of the organization’s threats.

C.  Conduct a leadership evaluation of the primary leader described in part A2 by doing the following:

Note: As part of your evaluation, you will need to use one scholarly leadership theory and three scholarly sources.

1.  Evaluate three strengths of the primary leader’s leadership practices using a scholarly leadership theory.
2.  Evaluate three weaknesses of the primary leader’s leadership practices using the same scholarly leadership theory you used in part C1.
3.  Recommend three theory-based practices to maximize the future success of the leader and the organization.
4.  Include at least three scholarly sources to support your analysis of the primary leader’s practices.

D.  When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.


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Your essay should answer two sets of questions: 1) How does your movie work as part of American film history?

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Click here to order similar paper 100% Original.Written from scratch by professional writers.

Your essay should answer two sets of questions: 1) How does your movie work as part of American film history? Does it represent a continuation of themes and developments as we see them in the course, or does it attempt to work against those conventions – or both? This discussion should, among other things, address the aesthetics and the genre of the film. 2) How does the film speak to what Douglas Kellner calls  the “tensions, conflicts, fantasies and fears” of the past decade? To what degree do external political, economic, social or cultural values shape what you see – and does the film uphold or challenge those values? Paper length is 5-7 pages, with the same specifications as the PCA paper. Sources from class are permitted and encouraged; the paper, however should not use any outside source. The grade will be based on the specificity and thoroughness of your argument, your use of class material, and the fluency of your writing.

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Hertiage essay on “Taps”

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Utilizing Three Part Communication Model, prepare an essay based on a military history/heritage theme.

Write an essay on the history, evolution, and effect of Taps. Paper needs to be 700-900 words.

Similarity index cannot exceed 30% excluding references via

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Ethics presentation

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Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan while considering stakeholder needs and agendas.

What are the responsibilities of a business firm?

Discuss some reasons for unethical behavior.

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Include at least one example of a company overstepping ethical boundaries for stakeholder agendas, and what types of preventative measures could be taken to avoid this type of situation.

Include an introduction in which you let the audience know what you will be discussing…and a conclusion that revisits what you have discussed and ties the main topics together in a meaningful way.

Your last slide should be a Reference slide with at least two references. Include (Chapter Three) Wheelen, T. L., & Hunger, J. D. (2010). Concepts in strategic management and business policy:  Achieving sustainability (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson/Prentice Hall.


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Write a 3 page essay about the cinematography in a film of YOUR choosing. It DOES NOT have to be a film shot digitally.

Apart from Google, the following magazines may help in your research:

American Society of Cinematographers – ASC

International Cinematographers Guild Magazine – ICG

Movie Maker

Student Filmmakers



Some pointers on the essay:
– Write a little background on the cinematographer
– Include a short synopsis of the film
– Did you like the film or not? Why?
– Did the visuals enhance the story? Why and how?
– Pick a shot or two and go into some detail about the visual approach using the
expanded vocabulary you acquired in the course.
(camera movement, focus, colors, lighting, depth of field, composition,
lenses, zoom in zoom out)

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