logical fallacies

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Click here to order similar paper @Essaybay.net. 100% Original.Written from scratch by professional writers.

Paper instructions:
Click on the Writing Link above to upload your assignment that is to be composed in Microsoft Word. Each of your assignments should be named with your firstname_lastname_titleofassignment.doc. (ex. Emily_Noblin_LogicalFallacies.doc)

You are to read the Writing Commons Open Text on Logical Fallacies.


By definition, “fallacy” is defined as a mistaken belief, especially one based on unsound argument.

“the notion that the camera never lies is a fallacy” (definition taken from https://www.google.com/search?q=definition+of+fallacy&oq=definition+of+fallacy&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3392j0j7&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=0&ie=UTF-8)

From a print or video source, provide an example of two examples of logical fallacies. You may have two sources of information to draw upon.

You can upload a Youtube clip or provide a link to a print source along with your written analysis so that the instructor can “see” your source. The assignment requires you to explain how the logical fallacies are evident in your choice of materials. Use the language from the explanation of each type of fallacy [ex. Ad Hominem (Argument to the Person)].

Your analysis should be a minimum of 250 words
Your analysis should be written in academic third person
Your analysis should draw from the language in the Writing Commons Open Text

Click here to order similar paper @Essaybay.net. 100% Original.Written from scratch by professional writers.

logical fallacies

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Click here to order similar paper @Essaybay.net. 100% Original.Written from scratch by professional writers.
I attached a question and reference file.
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Document Preview:

Continue your practice identifying logical fallacies by completing the attached worksheet (review CH. 17). For this each section on this worksheet, identify the fallacy or fallacies present in the claims. Explain why you think your identification is correct

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owed to look at their textbooks during examinations. After all, surgeons have X-rays to guide them during an operation, lawyers have briefs to guide them during a trial, carpenters have blueprints to guide…

Click here to order similar paper @Essaybay.net. 100% Original.Written from scratch by professional writers.

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