media representation

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Using the ideas and concepts in hooks’ and Seiring, compose an essay that makes your own argument about the importance, or lack thereof, of representation in the media. Use examples from popular movies, television shows, and/ or music to support your claim in addition to your references to the articles we’ve read in class. Is it important to be “enlightened witnesses” who are “critically vigilant”? Why or why not? (How) can active watching change the way we respond to what we are told?

Do not use outside resources.

Note: You NOT should base your entire argument on poverty and gender; hooks and Siering have already done that. What you should do is revisit the Representation discussion board and use the concepts that hooks and Siering highlight to analyze the way one of the groups we discussed is portrayed in the media and what, if any, impact that portrayal has.

Because you need to refer to hooks’ and Siering’s work displaying your own reasoning (you should not be summarizing hooks’ argument or echoing Seiring’s; you should be creating your own argument that is in conversation with their claims) and examples of your own, all the details in this writing should lead you to write at least 750 words.

Remember that you should cite all sources as we’ve practiced in our assignments so far. I don’t expect you to be perfect, but you should make an attempt. You work should be in either Calibri or Times New Roman in 12 point. Your margins should be 1 inch margins.

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